evolutionI know many of us are working on trying to maintain our New Year’s resolutions. For some of us this means losing weight and for others it may just be an effort to eat better and make better choices. I am in this boat…I am hoping that by making better food and beverage choices, I’ll feel better and hopefully shed some pounds.

This January, Evolution Fresh is challenging everyone to join the 3 Days to Green Movement – drinking one green juice a day for three days to take a small step toward a better self and a new good-for-you habit.

My husband and I both took the challenge! I’ll admit that at first I was a little nervous but then I read the bottles. These juices are just that…juices. There’s nothing added – no preservatives, no sweeteners and no added flavors – including the natural ones.

bottle-nav-sweetgreens-lemonEvolution Fresh juices are made with more than one pound of green vegetables and 10g of sugar or less per serving. You can find them in the produce section at Publix. Check out the green varieties you can choose from –

  • Sweet Greens and Lemon
  • Essential Greens with Lime
  • Organic Sweet Greens and Ginger
  • Smooth Greens

We tried them all…my favorite was the Sweet Green and Lemon. Such a clean taste that was very refreshing. I loved the fact that I didn’t feel full and bloated after drinking the juice. I was also very happy to have my husband join me in the challenge. He is not the best about eating his veggies and the fact that he did this with me was big. We both felt better after the challenge and I’ll be honest, it helped us stay on track.

You have a chance to win with Evolution Fresh by visiting the Evolution Fresh 3 Days To Green site  now through February 28th, 2015. Just take the pledge and you could win some great prizes. You can even boost your chances of winning by entering up to three Evolution Fresh UPC codes.

Take the challenge and pick up a nice deal on the juices in current Advantage Buy sale at Publix – Evolution Fresh Sweet Greens with Lemon, Essential Greens with Lime or Organic V, 15.2 oz, 3/$10. You can get a nice deal and feel better to boot. Be sure and head over and take the pledge.

I’m participating in the Evolution Fresh blogger campaign and received compensation as part of the program.