
Refresh & Organize Your Home Thanks To Great Deals At Publix!

Apr 5, 2016 | #, Deals | 0 comments

Ziploc storage bathroomSpring cleaning is the time to refresh so that your home is clean and welcoming. It also offers a great opportunity for us to get organized so that hopefully all that effort will really pay off and your home will stay cleaner, longer!

Yesterday we talked about cleaning out the clutter so that you actually have less to clean. Once that is done, it’s a great idea to then put forth the extra effort and organize the stuff that you do have. Shoe boxes, basket and bins can all be used to help you neatly contain your items. It helps with storage and also can be helpful when it come time to clean as well. A closed box that holds multiple items is much easier to wipe clean than having to wipe down lots of individual items.

Being organized also helps foster cleanliness. When an item has a specific “home” or place where it belongs, you are more likely to actually put it there. Thus, reducing the chance for those messy junk drawers and cabinets of disorganization to reoccur! You’ll actually save yourself time in the long run!

windex_glass-surface-wipesTo save yourself time, tuck a package of Windex® Original Glass Wipes in your drawer for quick and easy touchups. The package is the perfect size to fit between the baskets and bins in the drawer and you can easily grab a wipe anytime you need it for a quick cleanup.

My tip is to grab a wipe while you are on the phone…multitasking is a mom’s best friend! You’ll be so busy chatting you won’t even realize that you’ve cleaned the whole room by the time you finish your conversation!

With the sale at Publix you can stock up and have the wipes available for all the rooms in your house. That way you can do touch-ups anytime and anywhere.

Windex® Cleaner, Assorted Varieties, 26 oz bot or Glass & Surface Original Wipes 28 ct pkg, 2/$6
$2/2 Windex® products (excludes travel and trial sizes)
-$0.50/1 Windex® Product, 03/13 SS (exp 4/10) 
Just $2 after coupon!

This post is brought to you by SC Johnson. All comments and opinions are my own.

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