This post is sponsored by SC Johnson. All comments and opinions are my own.

checklistHave you looked at the calendar? In less than two weeks we’ll be carving up turkey and celebrating Thanksgiving. No need to panic, I have some ideas to help you avoid that last minute chaos.

Planning ahead is my key to maintaining my sanity. Now is a great time to start getting ready to help ensure that the day is as stress-free as possible. Here are a few tips to help you get started on a successful and relaxing holiday.

Make a big list of everything that you have to do and break it down. Make it a point to do a few things every day from here on out rather than waiting until the last minute.

It’s not too early to make sure the linens are washed. If you are using special dinnerware or silver, make sure it’s clean and ready to go. Start cleaning now so that you only have to do a touch up here or there before your guests arrive.

Shopping now will reduce your stress lever as well! Start gathering your nonperishable items that you’ll need for your dinner. Canned goods, broths and baking essentials can be purchased ahead of time. Any paper products that you might need can also be purchased now. You know you’ll need lots of Ziploc® brand Bags and Containers for all those leftovers. Check your cleaning supplies and purchase the items you’ll need to have your house ready for guests.

Starting your shopping early will allow you to spread out the purchases over multiple weeks which might be easier on your budget!

Of course getting great deals at Publix is another way to help out the budget too. Look for some super deals on everything you need to get your home ready for the holidays. Plus you can earn a gift card to boot!

Don’t forget, you can enjoy great savings and get a nice perk when you stock up at Publix! Simply pick up your favorite SC Johnson products in preparation for your holiday fun and get a gift card to boot. You’ll earn a $5 gift card when you purchase any four participating SC Johnson products from 10/1 – 11/30.

Getting your gift card is very simple. All it takes it three easy steps!

  1. Purchase FOUR participating products in a single transaction at Publix.
  2. Snap a photo of your receipt.
  3. Submit your photo to

publix gift card 100I have more great news! One iHeartPublix reader will get to stock up on great SC Johnson products to help them make their holiday great thanks to a $100 Publix gift card!

Entry is simple. You just need to complete the mandatory task below (answering my question). You can gain additional entries by completing any of the other options as well! View the Giveaway & Sweepstakes Rules.

  • What are some of the things you do to prep for the big day?