This post is sponsored by SC Johnson. All comments and opinions are my own.

We all know that the holidays mean that we will be enjoying massive amounts of foods. I prepare and cook several days before Thanksgiving just to be ready for the big day. I also have a tendency to make more than I need…but I do this on purpose!

With all that tasty food on hand, my guests will want to take some home. PLUS after all that cooking, I am usually tired. So having leftovers means that I can get a break from the kitchen for at least a day or two after Thanksgiving.

That means I need lots of storage available to pack up all those extras! With the sale in the current Publix Advantage Buy flyer, I can stock up on Ziploc® brand bags for all my holiday needs.

Ziploc® brand Sandwich or Snack Bags 30 – 40 ct or Ziploc® brand Slider Storage or Freezer Bags 10 – 20 ct, 2/$4
$1/2 Ziploc Brand Bags Printable
$1/2 Ziploc Brand Products printable
$1.50 per box!

Don’t forget, you can enjoy great savings and get a nice perk when you stock up at Publix! Simply pick up your favorite SC Johnson products in preparation for your holiday fun and get a gift card to boot. You’ll earn a $5 gift card when you purchase any four participating SC Johnson products from 10/1 – 11/30.

Getting your gift card is very simple. All it takes it three easy steps!

  1. Purchase FOUR participating products in a single transaction at Publix.
  2. Snap a photo of your receipt.
  3. Submit your photo to

publix gift card 100I have more great news! One iHeartPublix reader will get to stock up on great SC Johnson products to help them make their holiday great thanks to a $100 Publix gift card!

Entry is simple. You just need to complete the mandatory task below (answering my question). You can gain additional entries by completing any of the other options as well! View the Giveaway & Sweepstakes Rules.

  • What are some of your favorite recipes or ways to reuse all your holiday leftovers?