P&G Post 6/1 on I Heart Publix 2

$10 Publix Gift Card When You Buy $40 Worth Of Pampers Diapers – AMAZING Deals At Publix!

Jun 1, 2019 | #, Deals | 8 comments

This post is sponsored by P&G. All comments and opinions are my own.

You’ll find a huge selection of Pampers products for babies of every age in the baby aisle at Publix. Look for delicate protection for precious newborns, keep baby dry day and night while they are growing, or choose flexible comfort for the walkers and crawlers out there. PLUS…this week at Publix you can stock up and save on all your baby’s diaper needs with the trusted protection of Pampers.

There is a fantastic Pampers promo starting up as part of our new Advantage Buy flyer. Now through 6/14, you will get a $10 Publix Gift Card when you buy $40 worth of Pampers Diapers INSTANTLY at checkout! Even better, we have sales happening right that will help you stock up AND earn that gift card.

We have a sale on the bags as part of the weekly ad. Look at the deal below…that’s a cant-miss deal if you ask me! Use the post share buttons to tell all your friends, neighbors and family members so they can grab a deal too.

Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, 16 to 32 ct, $5 off wyb 2 – prices start at $10.99
-$1.50/1 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 6/8/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
$2/1 Pampers Swaddlers Diapers printable [Excludes trial/travel size]
$2/2 Pampers Diapers printable [Excludes trial/travel size]
$1/1 Pampers Swaddlers Diapers printable [Excludes trial/travel size]
$2/2 Pampers Swaddlers Diapers printable [Excludes trial/travel size]
$1/1 Pampers Cruisers Diapers printable [Excludes trial/travel size] 
$3/1 Pampers® Swaddlers Ibotta Deposit- redeem up to 5x
Grab 4 bags of Swaddlers and pay as little as $1.74 per pack after sale, (2) insert coupons,  (2) printable coupons, cash back and gift card–WOWSA!!!

P&G Post 6/1 on I Heart Publix 1

Look for boxes all on sale as part of the new flyer. You’ll notice that it only takes two boxes to meet that $40 threshold for your gift card. Add in coupons and you will be set for a while!

Pampers Swaddlers, Cruisers or Baby-Dry Diapers, 52 to 112 ct, $24.99
-$1.50/1 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 6/8/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
$2/1 Pampers Swaddlers Diapers printable [Excludes trial/travel size] 
$2/2 Pampers Diapers printable [Excludes trial/travel size]
$1/1 Pampers Swaddlers Diapers printable [Excludes trial/travel size]
$2/2 Pampers Swaddlers Diapers printable [Excludes trial/travel size]
$1/1 Pampers Cruisers Diapers printable [Excludes trial/travel size]
$4/1 Pampers® Cruisers Boxes Ibotta Deposit- redeem up to 5x
Get two boxes of Cruisers as low as 14.49 each after sale, cash back, coupons and gift card!!

Remember, we also have a gas card coupon that you can work in to get some AMAZING deals! I would highly recommend taking the opportunity to stock up. I remember having little ones in diapers…at the rate that babies go through diapers you might want to take advantage of the gift card offer multiple times and REALLY stock up!

P&G Post 6/1 on I Heart PublixQualifying products include Pampers Diapers, Pampers Swaddlers, Cruisers or Baby Dry Diapers, Pure Protection or Easy Ups Training Pants.

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  1. CAUTION!!!

    I just tried to do this deal at my Publix store in suburban Atlanta, and it did not work. The system took off $5 after the first 2 bags of Pampers. It took off another $5 after the second 2 bags. But it never prompted the cashier about the $10 gift card. At customer service, we tried adding a 5th bag in case the system wasn’t recognizing it as $40 because of the two $5 credits, but it still didn’t prompt for the gift card. The manager said it was probably because it was only good on the BOXES since that’s what was pictured in the purple flyer. Sure enough, when they tried ringing up 2 boxes, the gift card prompt appeared. But the flyer doesn’t say that you have to buy boxes. It says “Buy $40 worth of Pampers Swaddlers, Cruisers, Baby Dry, Pure Protection Diapers or Easy Ups Training Pants and RECEIVE A $10 PUBLIX GIFT CARD INSTANTLY.” I did my best to point that out, but they wouldn’t budge. I had the diapers deleted from my order. I’m about to submit a complaint about this on the Publix website. If they wanted to force you to buy 2 boxes in order to get the $10 gift card, they should have said that. As I see it, they are NOT honoring the offer that they published.

    If anyone has been able to get the gift card by purchasing $40 worth of bags, please let us know.

    • I just sent this to Publix via the form on their website’s “Contact Us” page –

      In the purple flyer that started today (6/1) there is an offer to “Buy $40 worth of Pampers Swaddlers, Cruisers, Baby Dry, Pure Protection Diapers or Easy Ups Training Pants and RECEIVE A $10 PUBLIX GIFT CARD INSTANTLY.” I tried to purchase 4 bags of Pampers Swaddlers for $10.99 each, but the system never prompted the cashier to process a gift card. At customer service, we tried adding a 5th bag of Swaddlers, but still no gift card prompt. (There is a current offer in the weekly ad which gives a $5 credit for the purchase of two bags, so we thought it might not be recognizing 4 bags as $40. That wasn’t the problem evidently.) It wasn’t until they tried ringing up two BOXES of Pampers (priced at $24.99 each) that the gift card prompt showed up. BUT THE AD DOESN’T SAY THAT YOU HAVE TO BUY BOXES. It says “buy $40 worth of Pampers . . . .” You are making an offer and not following through with it. Isn’t that false advertising? If buying boxes (and therefore spending almost $50 rather than just $40) was required that should have been stated in the purple flyer. I am not a happy customer.

      • Tried to buy 6 and was declined gift card. The picture in the ad shows jumbo packs of pampers pure and 22 ct easy ups. False promotion description. I contacted publix….waiting to hear back.

  2. I also just tried to do this deal with 4 bags of diapers and did not receive a gift card. I did not try adding a fifth bag (because of the auto-deduction of $5 off 2). Not a BAD deal, but much better with the gift card. 🙁

  3. I ran into the same thing! I bought 4 bags, it didn’t prompt (because of the $5/2 promo); I asked the cashier and offered to buy a 5th bag to counteract this, but she said it should have prompted since it was $40 prior to the promotion. She issued me a gift card. I felt bad, but she said she interpreted it the same way as we all did, which is $40 of any pampers products (which is actually what the wording says) NOT $40 of boxes only. I suspect my store will have a little sign in the baby aisle soon clarifying this, that you have to buy the boxes, not the jumbo packs, soon. It’s still a good deal even with the boxes, especially when you submit receipts on stocking spree, so I’ll be going back for boxes tomorrow.

  4. Hey I had the same problem though I used a 5/$50 coupon because I had a couple other groceries to get and they thought it had something to do with that so they gave me a gift card. Customer service and cashier agreed saying this should say boxes if that is what is expected but she said she will have to find out for clarification as she thought it should prompt too.

  5. I bought 2 bags pampers pure totaling $18 & 1 box pampers cruisers $24.99, it prompted the $10 gift card. (I did pick up a 2nd box of cruisers just in case- I guess I didn’t need to)
    – still a good deal when you add in stocking spree

  6. I was in Publix yesterday, they have a bulletin for the cashiers, if the $10 gift card does not come up automatically, they will issue it manually.


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