
Marzetti Dressing Just $2.50 At Publix

Dec 29, 2023 | Deals | 1 comment

There is a nice Marzetti Dressing digital coupon that works great with the sale at Publix. Grab a bottle of your favorite dressing for $2.50 the next time you shop!

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Marzetti Dressing, 13 oz, or Simply Salad Dressing, 12 oz, 2/$7 (reg $4.19)
$1/1 Marzetti Produce Dressing (Publix Digital Coupon)
$2.50 after coupon.

Marzetti Simply Dressing is made with real Greek yogurt, garlic and herbs. They have no preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors or artificial flavors.

 Look for this deal as part of the Happy Report valid 12/26 – 1/1.

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1 Comment

  1. your salad looks absolutely delicious!!!!! made me jealous!!! and hungry!! (except the lemon in the cutting board). lol, I always get annoyed at all the spilled food in your pics because I only want stuff on clean plates. it’s not just you. it bothers me on cooking shows when they transfer cooked meat to a cutting board and then cut it on the cutting board rather than on a plate. I can’t stand it!! im not sure why it upsets me so much, it’s your food, you can do what you want. Anyway, other than the spillage I always think your food looks so appealing and appetizing. You must be a great cook and host.


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