
Go Back To School With Savings On Windex®, Pledge®, Scrubbing Bubbles® And Shout® Products

Aug 14, 2024 | #, Deals | 0 comments

This post is sponsored by SC Johnson. All comments and opinions are my own.

The buzz of back-to-school season is in the air! Pencils are sharpened, backpacks are picked out, and new clothes are waiting for their debut. We’re all laser-focused on getting the kids ready – making sure they have the right outfits, healthy snacks, and everything they need to conquer the classroom. But while we focus on getting the kids prepped, it’s also a prime time to get our homes ready for the transition too!

Back-to-school season is a fantastic time to hit the refresh button on your home.

After a relaxed summer with relaxed routines, the house might be showing some signs of wear and tear. Back-to-school often means busier mornings, more after-school activities, and less time for cleaning. That’s where having the right cleaning products on hand becomes a lifesaver.

For me that means great products including Windex®, Pledge®, Scrubbing Bubbles® and Shout® products! And thanks to the cash back offer, we can get these great items PLUS cash back!

Save $1 on any one Windex®, Pledge®, Scrubbing Bubbles®, or Shout® Product Ibotta Cash Back Deposit

With a little help from Windex® Glass Cleaner you can tackle grimy fingerprints and lunchbox spills on windows and other surfaces with ease.

Pledge® Enhancing Polish is my secret for keeping the various surfaces of my home looking great without a ton of effort. It can help keep dust bunnies at bay on furniture. Plus, it improves the appearance of most hard surfaces by removing dust and fingerprints and providing a protective, glossy coating without leaving a waxy buildup.

And when it comes to keeping the bathroom tidy, cleaning is a breeze thanks to Scrubbing Bubbles®! Whether you’re tackling everyday dirt or dealing with tougher stains, they have the right product for the job. Their range of products includes everything from toilet bowl cleaners to shower and tub sprays, all designed to make cleaning your bathroom a breeze.

Let’s not forget about those inevitable grass stains and art project mishaps – Shout® Triple Acting will be your best friend when it comes to keeping clothes looking their best. Shout® Triple Acting is tough on stains, but gentle on fabrics. Shout® has the stain-fighting ingredients to break up and remove tough stains—so you can live in the moment, and clean up later.

So while you’re checking off your back-to-school shopping list, don’t forget to grab some cleaning essentials to keep your home ready for all the fun (and all the little messes) that comes with the new school year! After all, a happy and organized home environment translates to a happy and focused school year for everyone!

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